Just a guy who makes websites that do things

I have been developing designing and integrating enterprise level web sites and web applications in since 2002. Focused on cross browser compatible user interface/experience development and front-end programming for web sites and web applications in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.  Highly attentive to scalability and the user experience including cross browser and device compatibility issues, graceful degradation, web standards, semantics, accessibility, white hat SEO, and responsive and adaptive design.  Experienced in server side website and application development in Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, and some IIS, ASP, ASP.NET/C#, Java/JSP and CFML.

Focused on modern front-end user interface development, I work heavily with; HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript including; Node, Bootstrap, Angular, jQuery, less, Grunt, and countless libraries and modules relative to modern responsive ui development.

I provide technical consulting services for most of the open-source web development process from planning to launch. My resume includes several large multi national corporations, start-ups, and small business, within the capacity of developer/engineer.

At the consumer level I offer various web development services including open source application development deployment and integration services for most popular web platforms including of course WordPress theme and plug-in development. I also provide server platform independent browser based user interface development services for any system.

I do not provide extensive content development, marketing or graphic design services, such as logo design, branding and text copy. This allows me to maintain sharp focus on current technology and provide outstanding technical development services.

This web site is very old primarily built using server side technology to compile and deliver it's content, LAMP stack to be specific. Originally compatible down to IE6 and last updated around 2012. The UI is pretty simple by today's standards and the code and techniques are dated. I don't currently have any future plans for modernizing it, but maybe I will stumble into the right motivators soon.

Thanks for reading this far, if you would like to know more about the web development and consulting services I provide, feel free to ask.